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Campus Life at Foxcroft School

Campus Life

国家历史BTT365位于米德尔堡福克斯克罗夫特学校僻静的校园内, Virginia. Class sizes are small, with an average of 13 students per classroom, with one teacher and 1-2 teaching assistants. 学生通常每周上三次课. 课堂时间用于案例讨论、辩论和实地考察准备. Site visits will usually occur three times per week. 周日是我们的休息日,有班车开往米德尔堡镇,如果需要的话,学生可以去杂货店购物.

Student lounge

校舍(上课的地方)离宿舍和食堂只有几步之遥. The auditorium is also located in the Schoolhouse. 辩论、嘉宾演讲和最后的典礼将在那里举行.

There is a student lounge located on the second floor of the schoolhouse; it provides a place for students to relax during break times. 上课日通常有两次15分钟的休息时间——一次在早上, and one in the afternoon.

校舍楼下有两个公共区域, 学生们在课前或休息时聚集在这些地方是很常见的.

Classroom in Schoolhouse

Student common area in Schoolhouse

图书馆偶尔用于演讲嘉宾、俱乐部会议和露营会议. 只要有老师或助教陪同,学生也可以在那里学习.

The PX

体育中心是大多数学生度过休息时间的地方. 它包括一个篮球场、多功能健身房、跑道和有氧器材. 在体育中心大楼内是宿舍,这是一个公共区域,包括一个完整的厨房和餐厅, living room, and game room.

The Athletic Center
Roomies living room area
Roomies kitchen

Fun activities are hosted in the living room area. 在相邻的厨房和游戏室里,有棋盘游戏、拼图和纸牌. 室友促进了一种社区意识,并创造了一个学生能够轻松交朋友的环境.

A full kitchen is located in Roomies, 哪里允许学生烹饪和烘烤食物与他人分享. 

The pool is a great place to relax after a long day. It is located near the Athletic Center, and a lifeguard is on duty during pool hours, typically 1pm-6pm daily.

There are eight tennis courts on campus; rackets and balls are provided. 体育中心后面是室外草皮足球场, a running track and a baseball diamond. 偶尔会有有组织的运动,但通常是学生自己组织比赛.

Tennis Courts

Dorm Life

Reynolds Dormitory
Reynolds dorm kitchen

国家历史BTT365在福克斯克罗夫特学校使用三个宿舍:雷诺兹,果园和斯图尔特. Boys and girls are in separate dorms.

Each individual dorm features a common room and kitchen, 客厅是学生学习或放松的好地方. 它包括一个智能电视,学生可以在那里观看节目或电影. Dorm meetings will also occur here. 厨房设有一个冰箱,学生可以在那里存放个人物品, as well as a common fridge for shared items.

The laundry room is located in the basement; courtesy baskets are provided and usage is free, however, 学生必须携带自己的洗衣粉——建议使用单独的洗衣粉,因为这样最方便.

Reynolds dorm common room
Reynolds dorm laundry room
Reynolds dorm bathroom

根据宿舍的不同,睡廊可以容纳9-10名学生. Students are allowed to roam campus until curfew which is at 10:00 pm; lights out are typically at 10:30 pm. In the sleeping porches outlets are limited, 所以建议带上一根延长线,因为不是每个人都能在床附近使用插座.

房间由三到四个学生共享,每个学生都有自己的书桌和衣柜. 每个房间使用单独的空调机组,让学生有自己想要的温度偏好.

Each room has a shared bathroom. 有两个水槽,一个厕所隔间和一个站立式淋浴. 有一扇门将浴室与房间的其他部分隔开,可以关闭以获得更多隐私. 学校不提供洗手液,学生需自备.

门廊睡觉的想法一开始可能看起来很奇怪, however, the reasoning behind it makes sense; separating work from sleep. 这样做可以让那些想小睡或睡觉的人平静地这样做, 因为睡廊的唯一用途就是睡觉. Across the hall, in the shared room, 学生可以在不打扰那些想睡觉的人的情况下完成工作.

Reynolds dorm sleeping porch
Reynolds dorm room

Dining Hall

Foxcroft Dining Hall

餐厅是在福克斯克罗夫特用餐的地方. Daily announcements are held at meals. 早餐包括热的选择(例如鸡蛋/煎饼/香肠/燕麦片)或谷物. At lunch, there are ready-made sandwiches, 或者学生们也可以在三明治吧制作自己的定制三明治, which includes a panini press. 晚餐是热的选择,通常包括蔬菜(例如披萨和炒甘蓝)。. Fresh fruit and/or a salad bar is offered at every meal. Vegetarian options are always available. 用餐时间是早上7:30,下午12:30和下午5:30的早餐,午餐和晚餐.

Site Visits

Academy students visiting UVA

Site visits will typically occur three times per week, occasionally there will be multiple site visits per day. 建议带上零食和水,因为天气很热,容易疲劳(他们也会在车上放水和零食——如果你需要什么,问一下)。. The camp will travel on two coach buses to each location. 通常会有导游带领学生参观,也会有时间让学生自己去探索.

在国家历史BTT365,学生有很大的独立性, helping to prepare for college. 除此之外,还有一个工作和娱乐的完美平衡,创造一个富有成效的时间表.